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Our invoice OCR solution works on advanced template-Free extraction technology to deliver exceptional accuracy and efficiency in unstructured and tabular data processing.
Preset templates can ensure accurate extraction.
Designed to support multiple languages.
Effortless integration with any CRMs and platforms.
Batch processing to reduce the Turn Around Time.
Our OCR technology swiftly captures the following critical fields from PAN cards
Process invoices one by one, allowing for detailed review and customization for each invoice.
Process invoices one by one, allowing for detailed review and customization for each invoice.
Manage and process multiple invoices simultaneously.
Suitable for routine invoices that share common elements, such as monthly service fees.
The Pixl Invoice OCR API is designed for robust and easy integration with your existing systems. With multi-language support, you can utilize the API anywhere in the world.
Our team of experts offers personalized support to ensure your Invoice OCR solution runs smoothly. We help you optimize the API for your specific needs and market, committed to your success every step of the way.
Easily upload PDFs or images from email, API, desktop, Drive, Dropbox, RPA, or cloud storage.
Intelligently extract the necessary information. Our interface allows you to verify for utmost accuracy.
Seamlessly connect with your current systems and applications for a smooth transition to our platform.
Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering an optimized solution tailored to your specific needs. Maximize the benefits of our OCR technology with our support.
Contact Us TodayOur experts ensure your invoice data extraction is highly accurate and tailored to your operational needs.
Our Invoice OCR API is an all-in-one solution, capable of extracting text from invoices in multiple languages.
Unlock seamless processing. Start your free trial now.